Slightly Smouldering……

4 Jul

I’m not a massive fan of emotion.

I try to avoid having or showing any.

Possible not healthy in the long run but it’s how I do things.

It’s how I deal with shit.

So, in almost 25 years in having T1D live with me I have never had burn out.

Well. If I have, I’ve never admitted it to myself………

This has been an “interesting one”.

Shift in career path.

Illness and death in the family.

Second foot ulcer.

Son diagnosed with T1D.

And Fuck! We are only 6 months in……

I have done what I always do.

Tackle it head on.

Genuinely, at no point have I felt that it’s too much.

I’m not feeling the same about my diabetes though.

Suddenly 25 years feels like a long time.

It’s never felt that way before though.

Maybe I’m just tired after an “interesting” 6 months.

Maybe an additional T1D in the house has widened my perspective.

Maybe I turned 50 and am just being reflective.

I’m not sure yet, but something has to change.

I’m not burnt out, but I am sitting here smouldering……


My feeble attempt at a soldering look……

Live Long and Bolus.


3 Responses to “Slightly Smouldering……”

  1. Rick Phillips July 5, 2019 at 3:00 am #

    Pissed off and burnt out are two different things. Be pissed off, but dont burn out has been my philosophy for the last 45 years.

  2. Karen July 5, 2019 at 6:36 pm #

    Oh, I absolutely can relate. Not so much with the No Emotion part because I’m as emotional AF. But the smoldering part. So so much. It is a lot – a long road – and your road has been all uphill lately. I, unfortunately, have no easy fix or great advice, but know I’m in your corner.


  1. WWGD #8 – Line in the sand | Diabetogenic - July 10, 2019

    […] on from my recent post on how I’m not burnt out but I am smouldering, and that ‘something needs to change’, I am left with the question: […]

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